September 27, 2006

Muir Trust warns of destruction of Scottish wild areas by wind power industry

The John Muir Trust believes
  • Wild land should be conserved for nature and people for the benefit of present and future generations;

  • Developments on core wild land, such as industrial-scale wind developments, are a major threat to our rapidly diminishing wild land;

  • The best renewable energy options around wild land are small-scale, sensitively sited and adjacent to the communities directly benefiting from them, where the landscape impact is minimal;

  • Large wind turbines, often 120 metres high (taller than the Forth Rail Bridge) grouped in clusters of up to 100, are totally unsuitable for Scotland’s finest landscapes;

  • The intrusion is not just the turbines and pylons, but includes the access roads, concrete bases, and underground cables;

  • Producing energy near to where it is consumed reduces the need for giant pylons through wild and scenic areas e.g. the proposed Beauly – Denny transmission upgrade;

  • A recent study suggests far more eagles are at risk from wind developments than was previously thought so their habitat must be protected;

  • It would be a tragedy to sacrifice wild land to major industrial developments.
wind power, wind energy, wind farms, environment, environmentalism, Scotland